
Service opportunities at Good Samaritan Inn 2025

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     For the calendar year 2025 Central Christian Church has reserved the following Saturdays at Good Samaritan Inn:

March 8

May 17

July 12

September 13

November 8

     On each of these dates Central will provide the food, and Central volunteers take full responsibility for preparing and serving lunch for Good Samaritan diners. If you can help, please note the dates and watch for a sign-up opportunity closer to each date. On each of these Saturdays, workers are needed 8 a.m.-10:30 a.m. to prepare the meal and 11 a.m.-1 p.m. to serve lunch.

     If you would consider helping but would like to know more about what is involved, talk with co-chairs Dave Wagner or Shirley Swarthout.

      The Good Samaritan Inn serves a hot, nutritious mid-day meal to all who need it seven days a week, year-round. All are welcome; no questions asked.


Posted by Shirley Swarthout with

Welcome New Member, Doug Blakey!

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We celebrate the addition of Doug Blakey to our church family!  Doug joined the church this past Sunday at our 8:00 a.m. service.  For well over a year Doug has been a faithful and regular participant of our 8:00 worship service.  Doug is a talented musician and sang in our Christmas   performance of the Messiah during Advent 2023.  He directs the physical therapy department at Imboden Gardens.  When he came forward on Sunday, he stated that joining the church was right thing to do as this new year unfolds.  We are grateful for the opportunity to be a community of support for Doug (and to have been a supportive community for his late wife Barb) and are even more grateful for the fact that God has brought all our lives together through Central Christian Church.  Welcome Doug!


Posted by Michael Karunas with

Star Word Small Group

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We want to invite you to be part of a special Epiphany Small Group led by Pastor Michael.  This group will meet three (3) times in January and February and will be based on the Star Words we received in worship on January 12.  Each session will be on a Thursday from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. in the Disciples room. Here’s what you can expect.

January 23:

Bring the Star Word you selected. We’ll enjoy some King Cake and Pastor Michael will explain how to get the most out of your Star Word experience in greater detail.

February 13:

As a small group, we will brainstorm different scripture passages that relate to each one of our Star Words.  This exercise is meant to help each of us in dig deeper into scripture using the Star Word we have chosen.

February 27:

For the final session, we will share with one another what we have learned through our reflection on our Star Word.  Oh… and we just might have more King Cake too!

Posted by Michael Karunas with
