Lent and Ash Wednesday 2025

Lent is a six-week season in the church year that precedes Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter. Its name comes from a medieval term that refers to the “lengthening” of days which occurs in the springtime. Lent is a time to focus on our own spiritual growth. As we journey with Jesus toward the upper room of his Last Supper, to the cross of his crucifixion, and ultimately to the empty tomb of his resurrection, we are invited to grow in our commitment to following him. Lent always begins with Ash Wednesday (March 5 this year) and concludes with Holy Week - Palm Sunday (April 13), when Jesus arrives into Jerusalem; Maundy Thursday (April 17), when Jesus held the Last Supper with his disciples; and Good Friday (April 18) when Jesus died on the cross. Lent and Holy Week culminate with Easter Sunday (April 20) and his triumphant resurrection.
For Ash Wednesday this year, we will be partnering with our fellow Disciples of Christ churches in the area and worshipping together. This is a great way not only to support our fellow Disciples churches but to experience a greater sense of Christian camaraderie as well. Together we will offer two (2) opportunities for you to receive ashes:
12:00 p.m. Central Christian Church
7:00 p.m. Christian Church of Illiopolis
The noon-time option at Central will be briefer (approx. 25 minutes) and is meant for those who can get away for the lunch hour but not in the evening. The evening service will be a bit longer (but less than an hour) and is meant for those preoccupied during the day. Pastors Vicky, Melinda and I, along with Rev. Melissa Ebken (of Illiopolis) will lead both the noon and evening services. At both services, we will impose ashes (on the back of the hand or the forehead) for anyone who wishes to receive them. We will also have communion.
Blessings – Michael