
Showing items filed under “From Office”

2025 Offering Envelopes are here!

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Many thanks to those of you who picked up your offering envelopes!  If you did not have a chance to get yours, please feel free to contact the church office.  We will be happy to mail them to you.  Thank you for you continued generosity in support of Central Christian Church!

Posted by Kim Maple with

Making the Visitor and Bulletin Accessible

Do you know someone who has visual impairment who might enjoy the Visitor or our bulletin? We may be able to help! We can send out an email with plain text of the Visitor and bulletin to them. Have them contact the office at 217-428-4336 or email .

Posted by Kathleen Dudley with

Pocket Prayer Shawls available

Our Prayer Shawl ministry has created some beautiful pocket prayer shawls and made them available to anyone who would like one. If you know of  someone going through a difficult time, please also feel free to take one for them. Thank you, ladies!

