
Showing items filed under “Committee Announcements”

2024 Annual Congregational Meeting

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Nominating Committee Report, 2025-2027

On Sunday, December 8, we will have our annual congregational meeting.  This will take place at 11:50 am in the Sanctuary.  Every year in early December we vote as a congregation to approve both the Nominating Committee’s report as well as the proposed operating budget for the coming year.  These will be our agenda items at the 12/8 meeting.  

Copies of the proposed budget can be found in the Welcome Center and on the back table in the Great Hall.  According to our congregation’s by-laws, we are to publish the Nominating Committee’s report two weeks prior to the meeting.  What follows is that report – the proposed list of trustees, elders, and deacons with terms of service beginning in 2025.


Nominating Committee

2025 Nominees - Final



Keith Backes


Vice Presidents

Gretchen Kirby

Susie Turner



Steve Swarthout



Sandy Garver



Ron Ingram



Jeannie Backes

Gretchen Kirby

Kim Miller

Keela Neumann

Shirley Swarthout

David York



Larry Bafford

Charlotte Ballance

Scott Bicknell

Beth Calvert

Peggy Carpunky

Ellen Damery

Dianne Devore

Gregg Foltz

Linda Foltz

Dale Ford

Gene Garver

Sandy Garver

Kaitlin Glause

Mark Glause

Nancy Hanover

Luke Kirby

Mary Jane Linton

Carolyn McCall

Kim Miller

Carolyn Pistorius

Tim Pistorius

Gail Prince

Andrea Shartzer

Cole Shartzer

Carolyn Sunderlik

Denise Swarthout

Matthew Swarthout

Deb Trei

David Wagner

Linda Zinn

Cheryl Zollinger

David Zollinger


Elder Emeritus

Bruce Campbell

Liz Campbell


Deacon Emeritus

Darla Otis

Posted by Michael Karunas with

Stewardship 2025 – Imagine Together!

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Something to Think About – Imagine Together!

As we move into the month of October, our worship focus moves from Prayer to Community.  The theme for our annual stewardship campaign is “Imagine Together” and we will, indeed, seek to imagine what might be accomplished when we all come together for the sake of the Kingdom.  Our biblical focus will be the Letter of James, which is about the Christian community coming together and experiencing the benefits of that togetherness.  There are three (3) you can connect to our worship theme this month!

First, attend worship!  Here is what you can expect in terms of scripture and worship themes each week:

  • October 6 James 4:13 – 5:19 Pastor Michael
    • Caring for one another is more valuable than earthly treasures
  • October 13 James 3:1 – 4:12 Pastor Vicky
    • We are called to encourage and build one another up with our words
  • October 20 James 2:1 – 3:1 Pastor Michael
    • We are called love all others, not just certain “others”
  • October 27 James 1:1 – 1:27 Pastor Melinda
    • Putting faith into action

Second, sign up to participate in a weekly bible study, led by Pastor Michael, on the Letter of James.  We will read the entire letter and discuss significant portions of it.  Everyone is welcome!  Please sign up ( ) to a reserve a place.  Due to Pastor Michael’s travel schedule, this class will not begin until mid-October.  It will be held at the church, location TBD:

  • Thursdays, 5:30 – 6:45 p.m.
  • October 17, October 24, October 31, November 7

Finally, join us in a Daily Bible Reading project to begin Monday, October 7.  We are asking everyone to read a few bible verses from the Letter of James five (5) days a week for four (4) weeks.  If you keep up with the bible reading, you will be able to reflect on the same scripture we will have covered the preceding Sunday.  We will be reading the Letter James “back to front” (meaning, we will begin with chapter 5 and end with chapter 1).  This is the order we will be covering the material in worship on Sunday morning and we will say more about why that is this Sunday, October 6.  A Daily Bible Reading pamphlet will be made available on October 6 to help instruct you on what verses to read on which days.  Feel free to pick one up and follow along at home, during your own personal devotional time.

Posted by Michael Karunas with

Safe Church Policy

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Are you aware that we have a Safe Church Policy?  We require all adults who work with children to be Safe Church trained.  Pastor Vicky has provided training to over 70 individuals in accordance with the Safe Church Policy, making minor changes to the policy as training progressed.  After the Elders and Council reviewed the final version, the updated policy was unanimously approved at the August Council meeting.  You can view the entire policy HERE.  You may also find it on the Resources page of our website. If you have any Safe Church Policy questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Pastor Vicky.

Posted by Kim Maple with