Service opportunities at Good Samaritan Inn 2025

For the calendar year 2025 Central Christian Church has reserved the following Saturdays at Good Samaritan Inn:
March 8
May 17
July 12
September 13
November 8
On each of these dates Central will provide the food, and Central volunteers take full responsibility for preparing and serving lunch for Good Samaritan diners. If you can help, please note the dates and watch for a sign-up opportunity closer to each date. On each of these Saturdays, workers are needed 8 a.m.-10:30 a.m. to prepare the meal and 11 a.m.-1 p.m. to serve lunch.
If you would consider helping but would like to know more about what is involved, talk with co-chairs Dave Wagner or Shirley Swarthout.
The Good Samaritan Inn serves a hot, nutritious mid-day meal to all who need it seven days a week, year-round. All are welcome; no questions asked.